October 2017 Horoscope

March 21 – April 19
A time of self reflection, to try new things and take risks. Work-wise you feel energized that leads to increased productivity. Love-wise single Arians should seek partners that share common goals. Married Arians should encourage one another and enjoy the joys of Halloween.

April 20 – May 20
Take time to make you dreams come true this October. Embrace your creativity and build good rapport with those at work. Relationships remain drama free and socially you may meet some interesting people. The 31st sees you out and about having fun!

May 21 June 21
A month of fresh starts. Career-wise you may be offered a new job or promotion. New romantic prospects and the possibility of some change in your current relationship. Keeping to an exercise regime keeps you in a positive mood. You enjoy the Fall weather and buy a new wardrobe.

June 22 – July 22
A time to keep an open mind and examine your values. You make important changes in both your career and love life. Singles can attract a new romance, and those that are married communication is the key. Work-wise make good decisions. They pay off in the future.

July 23 – August 22
A time to speak up at work, and check the facts. As you do so a new cycle of personal growth and maturity. Take advantage of any education opportunities. Single should take their time in romance and married Librans should start holiday shopping early.

August 23 – September 22
You are driven to make your presence felt in your career. Try to not react when you run into resistance. Keep your cool. October 23 you’ll begin to see the results you hoped for. Love-wise a calm month. To sleep better at night turnoff the TV and internet off, and read a book.

September 23 – October 22
An important month to tie up loose ends. Rally your energy and get things done. Couples should focus on clearing up any misunderstanding with each other, and singles should focus on friendship more than love. The end of October sees you feeling more secure.

October 23 – November 21
Be confident and assertive this October as your career plans are about to become true. Take a take charge attitude in your love life and communicate your desires to your loved one if you want see change. October 31st is a time to have fun and enjoy Halloween.

Nov. 22 – December 21
Career-wise you can look forward to advancement or been offered something new. You will be rewarded both personally and financially. The 15th sees your world opening up in a way that lifts your spirit and makes your romantic life take on new meaning.

December 22 – January 19
Your hard work pays off. Now is the time for bigger plans in your career. Feel optimistic about your love life and everything October offers. To keep healthy drink plenty of water and get enough sleep. Socially a fun time to mingle with family and friends.

January 20 – February 18
A busy time with work and your career. Do not neglect your health and if in a relationship spend time with your other half. Travel and matters at a distance unfold. Expect some important news October 20th. This date ushers in a new cycle one in which offers a perspective shifter.

February 19 – March 20
In a close relationship get others to express what’s on their mind. Be patient because of these talks something later in October will turn out to be mutually beneficial. Travel may present itself at month’s end. Its good to follow your whims.